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Summer Weight Room Information

2020 Summer Weight Room Guidelines
June 1st - July 31st


  1. We will be following the NSAA guidelines for summer weight room.
  2. We are limiting our groups to 10 people, and workouts are limited to 1 hour.
  3. In addition to following the NSAA guidelines, personnel will also be checking temperatures and screening all participants on a daily basis for any symptoms of COVID-19. This will be done prior to the student entering the building for their workout. If any students are found to have a fever of 100.4 and above, or exhibit illness symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they will not be allowed into the building and will be directed to contact their healthcare provider.
  4. Lisa Kuhl RN will be notified immediately by personnel in charge of possible COVID-19 symptoms with a student and that student will be directed away from any other students and evaluated prior to being sent home.  Parents or Guardians will be notified of the above prior to any student leaving the school grounds.  Parents will be directed to notify their healthcare provider for further guidance.
  5. Staff will keep a daily COVID-19 Screening Log of every student present.  Lisa Kuhl RN will assist if help is needed to accomplish and maintain this record.
  6. Lisa Kuhl will be present on the first day of workouts to explain this protocol to the students with regards to COVID19 Screenings that will take place daily.
  7. Staff involved in this protocol will be given instructions by Lisa Kuhl prior to the start of the summer weight program.
  8.  All participants in the summer conditioning/weight program will be given a waiver form for parents to fill out per direction of Mr. Bacon and Mr. Collin.  This will be filled out and returned to the school.

  1. Athletes will be assigned to a group and a certain time. They will be with this group at the same time every day. Athletes will not be allowed to switch groups or times. They need to come and leave at their assigned times. 
  2. There will be no more than 10 athletes in one group.
  3. There will be 15 minutes in between sessions for coaches to wipe down equipment.
  4. The athlete will need to wipe down and sanitize the rack/station when they are done using it. There will be cleaning supplies at each station. 
  5. All athletes and coaches will need to maintain social distancing of 6 feet apart at all times. 
  6. Athletes will need to park behind (east side) of the elementary and then they will enter through the bottom weight room (east) doors and then exit through the office door and exit through the same doors they entered. This is why it is imperative that students do not show up earlier than their assigned time. The doors will be propped open. 
  7. Each athlete will need to bring their own bottle. Using the water fountain will be prohibited. 

Click here for a printable PDF of the 2020 Summer Weight Room Guidelines

Summer Weight Room Athlete Schedule (CLICK HERE)

NOTE: All athletes will be given access to the online strength & conditioning software called Teambuildr. Please consider downloading the app on your phone prior to your first scheduled day. Click here to download the app via the iOS App Store. More information & training will be provided by Coach Bowman. There will be Wi-Fi available in the weight room for using the app. 

Summer Schedule:

Session 1: 6:00a - 7:00a
Session 2: 7:15a - 8:15a
Session 3: 8:30a - 9:30a
Session 4: 9:45a - 10:45a
Session 5: 11:00a - 12:00p

Session 6: 4:00p - 5:00p
Session 7: 5:15p - 6:15p
Session 8: 6:30p - 7:30p

If you did not get signed up but would like to participate in the strength and conditioning program, please contact Neil Bowman at neil.bowman@jccentral.org or at school.