JCC Girls Basketball
Johnson County Central Girls Basketball
Head Coach: Garrett Collin
Assistant Coaches: Justin Damme, Reid Genuchi, Zadie Plager
Social Media:
Twitter | Facebook
Please Note: This may not be the most up-to-date schedule. The "Sports Calendar" is usually the best place to view up-to-date schedule info (Quicklinks > Sports Calendar)
2024-25 Schedule:
Class C2
Varsity (& Junior Varsity) Team Schedule:
Date | Opponent | Time | W/L | Score |
11/26/24 | Jamboree Scrimmage (vs Nebraska City) | 6:00 PM | - | - |
12/6/24 | Mead | 6:00 PM | W | 56-7 |
12/7/24 | @ Tri County1 | 2:00 PM | L | 39-62 |
12/10/24 | Southern | 6:00 PM | W | 48-21 |
12/12/24 | Syracuse | 6:00 PM | W | 38-37 |
12/14/24 | @ Pawnee City2 | 3:00 PM | W | 54-39 |
12/17/24 | @ Palmyra3 | 5:45 PM | L | 43-44 |
12/19/24 | Louisville4 | 6:00 PM | W | 42-15 |
12/27-12/28 | Holiday Tournament @ Weeping Water - Bracket Johnson-Brock (12/27/24) - Reserve Gym Weeping Water (12/28/24) - Main Gym |
1:00 PM 1:00 PM |
L W |
23-65 50-41 |
1/2/25 | Freeman | 6:00 PM | L | 39-40 |
1/7/25 | Auburn (Girls Only - JV Girls also cancelled) | 6:00 PM | W | 48-21 |
1/9/25 | @ Wilber-Clatonia5 | 6:00 PM | W | 54-23 |
1/13-1/17 | MUDECAS Basketball Tournament @ Beatrice - Info Freeman (1/13) @ Auditorium EMF (1/17) @ BMS |
3:30 PM 8:15 PM |
L W |
38-45 44-15 |
1/21/25 | Weeping Water6 | 6:00 PM | W | 46-34 |
1/24/25 | HTRS | 6:00 PM | W | 39-34 |
1/25/25 | @ Falls City7 | 4:00 PM | W | 51-22 |
1/30/25 | Fairbury | 6:00 PM | W | 50-34 |
2/3-2/8 | East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament - Info | Finals @ Palmyra vs Mead (@ JCC) (2/3/25) vs Freeman (@ Murdock) (2/6/25) vs Elmwood-Murdock (@ Palmyra) (2/8/25) |
6:00 PM 6:00 PM 1:00 PM |
W L L |
63-12 36-46 35-59 |
2/11/25 | @ Elmwood-Murdock8 | 6:00 PM | - | - |
2/17-2/20 | Subdistricts | TBD | - | - |
Schedule Note #1: Dec 7th at Tri County - Livestream: Hudl - 12:30 PM JV (JV Girls - 3 Quarters @ Elem Gym // JV Boys - 2 Quarters @ HS Gym); 2:00 PM Varsity Girls; 4:00 PM Varsity Boys
Schedule Note #2: Dec 14th at Pawnee City - Livestream: Hudl - Both Girls & Boys JV will play 3 quarters
Schedule Note #3: Dec 16th at Palmyra - Livestream: Hudl - 4:30 PM JV (Girls @ West Gym; Boys @ East Gym): 5:45 PM Girls Varsity; 7:15 PM Boys Varsity
Schedule Note #4: Dec 17th vs Louisville: The JV Boys game in Cook will be livestreamed on the JCC Hudl Fan page: fan.hudl.com/jcc
Schedule Note #5: Jan 9th at Wilber-Clatonia: Schedule: JV Girls & Boys both in Elementary Gym (4:30 PM JV Girls, 6:00 PM JV Boys). Varsity Girls & Boys both in High School Gym (6:00 PM Varsity Girls, 7:30 PM Varsity Boys). Livestream: Hudl Fan
Schedule Note #6: Jan 21st vs Weeping Water: *All Games in Tecumseh* - 4:15 PM JV Girls (2Qs); 4:45 PM JV Boys (4Qs); followed by Varsity Girls (Approx 6 PM); followed by Varsity Boys (approx 7:45 PM)
Schedule Note #7: Jan 25th at Falls City: 3 PM JV Boys (4Qs), followed by Girls Varsity, followed by Boys Varsity. Livestream: Hudl Fan (JV Girls Cancelled)
Schedule Note #8: Feb 11th at Elmwood-Murdock: 4:30 PM JV Boys (@ Elem School), 4:30 PM JV Girls (@ HS), 6 PM Varsity Girls (@ HS), E-M Parents Night Presentation, 7:30 PM Varsity Boys (@ HS). Livestream of games at High School: E-M Striv
Notes: Game Times listed are approximate for Girls Varsity.
For a normal Girls & Boys JV/Varsity game day, boys junior varsity will play at the Middle School Gym (Cook Site)
Normal G/B JV/V Schedule:
• 4:30 PM - JV Girls (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
• 4:30 PM - JV Boys (MS Gym - Cook)
• 6:00 PM - Varsity Girls (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
• 7:45 PM - Varsity Boys (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
Most regular varsity home games are streamed live on the JCC Striv Channel. Some away games may be streamed by the host school. For a complete list of Striv schools, visit https://striv.tv/schools/
Note: Due to low numbers, there may be some games where JV Girls will only play 2 quarters. When that occurs, all 4 games will be in Tecumseh. Schedule for those games: 4 PM - JV Girls (2 quarters only); 4;30 PM - JV Boys; 6 PM - Varsity Girls; 7:45 PM - Varsity Boys. Games will be marked when this schedule is being used.
Date | Opponent | Time |
1/6/25 | @ Syracuse - Hudl Fan | 6:00 PM |
1/20/25 | @ Wilber-Clatonia - Hudl Fan | 6:00 PM |
1/27/25 | Johnson-Brock | 6:00 PM |
2/10/25 | Elmwood-Murdock | 6:00 PM |
2/15/25 | Thunderbird Invitational (MS Gym - Cook Site) - Bracket | 9:00 AM |
Please Note: This may not be the most up-to-date schedule. The "Sports Calendar" is usually the best place to view up-to-date schedule info (Quicklinks > Sports Calendar)
2023-24 Schedule:
Class C2
Notes: Game Times listed are approximate for Girls Varsity.
For a normal Girls & Boys JV/Varsity game day, boys junior varsity will play at the Middle School Gym (Cook Site)
Normal G/B JV/V Schedule:
• 4:30 PM - JV Girls (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
• 4:30 PM - JV Boys (MS Gym - Cook)
• 6:00 PM - Varsity Girls (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
• 7:45 PM - Varsity Boys (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
Most regular varsity home games are streamed live on the JCC Striv Channel. Some away games may be streamed by the host school. For a complete list of Striv schools, visit https://striv.tv/schools/
Note: Due to low numbers, there may be some games where JV Girls will only play 2 quarters. When that occurs, all 4 games will be in Tecumseh. Schedule for those games: 4 PM - JV Girls (2 quarters only); 4;30 PM - JV Boys; 6 PM - Varsity Girls; 7:45 PM - Varsity Boys. Games will be marked when this schedule is being used.
Varsity (& Junior Varsity) Team Schedule:
Date | Opponent | Time | W/L | Score |
11/21/23 | Jamboree Scrimmage (vs Nebraska City) | 6:00 PM | - | - |
12/1/23 | @ Mead1 - Livestream: Mead Public Schools YouTube | 6:00 PM | W | 48-5 |
12/2/23 | Tri County | 2:00 PM | W | 38-35 |
12/5/23 | @ Southern2 - Livestream: fan.hudl.com | 6:00 PM | W | 48-13 |
12/7/23 | @ Syracuse - Livestream: Syracuse Striv | 6:00 PM | L | 27-43 |
12/9/23 | Pawnee City3 | 2:00 PM | W | 55-21 |
12/12/23 | Palmyra | 6:00 PM | L | 31-45 |
12/14/23 | @ Louisville4 - Livestream: fan.hudl.com | 6:00 PM | W | 38-23 |
12/19/23 | @ Auburn (Girls Only)5- Livestream: Auburn Striv | Auburn YouTube | 6:00 PM | L | 35-45 |
12/21/23 | @ Freeman - Livestream: Freeman Striv | 6:00 PM | L | 16-48 |
12/28-12/29 | Holiday Tournament (@ Weeping Water) - Info vs Conestoga vs Falls City |
1:00 PM 4:00 PM |
W L |
58-37 34-39 |
1/4/24 | Wilber-Clatonia6 | 6:00 PM | W | 40-35 |
1/8-1/12 | MUDECAS Basketball Tournament @ Beatrice - Info vs Falls City Sacred Heart (1/9) @ Auditorium |
3:30 PM |
L |
33-48 |
1/16/24 | @ Weeping Water - Livestream: Weeping Water YouTube | 6:00 PM | L | 31-33 |
1/18/24 | @ HTRS7 - Livestream: HTRS YouTube | 6:30 PM | L | 41-44 |
1/20/24 | Falls City | 4:00 PM | W | 42-37 |
1/25/24 | @ Fairbury8- Livestream: Fairbury Striv Channel | Fairbury YouTube | 6:00 PM | W | 48-39 |
1/30-2/3 | East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament - Info - Finals @ Freeman vs Freeman (@ Freeman) 1/30 vs Falls City (@ Peru State College) 2/2 |
6:30 PM 7:00 PM |
L L |
28-38 27-37 |
2/6/24 | Elmwood-Murdock | 6:00 PM | L | 54-63 |
2/8/24 | @ College View Academy9 - Livestream: CVA YouTube | 6:30 PM | W | 37-22 |
2/13 & 2/15 | C2-1 Subdistricts @ Freeman - Bracket vs Freeman (2/13) |
6:00 PM |
L |
25-50 |
Schedule Note #6: Jan 4th vs Wilber-Clatonia - All Games in Tecumseh - JV Girls Cancelled, 4:30 PM JV Boys (4 Qs), 6 PM Varsity Girls, Parents Night Presentation (Cheer & BB), followed by Varsity Boys
2022-23 Schedule:
Class C2
Notes: Game Times listed are approximate for Girls Varsity.
For a normal Girls & Boys JV/Varsity game day, boys junior varsity will play at the Middle School Gym (Cook Site)
Normal G/B JV/V Schedule:
• 4:30 PM - JV Girls (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
• 4:30 PM - JV Boys (MS Gym - Cook)
• 6:00 PM - Varsity Girls (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
• 7:45 PM - Varsity Boys (HS Gym - Tecumseh)
Note: Due to low numbers, there may be some games where JV Girls will only play 2 quarters. When that occurs, all 4 games will be in Tecumseh. Schedule for those games: 4 PM - JV Girls (2 quarters only); 4;30 PM - JV Boys; 6 PM - Varsity Girls; 7:45 PM - Varsity Boys. Games will be marked when this schedule is being used.
Varsity (& Junior Varsity) Team Schedule:
Date | Opponent | Time | W/L | Score |
11/28/22 | Jamboree Scrimmage (vs Nebraska City) | 6:00 PM | n/a | 40-38 |
12/2/22 | Mead See Schedule Note #1 | 6:00 PM | W | 50-27 |
12/3/22 | @ Tri County 2 - Live Stream: "TC Stream" YouTube | 2:30 PM | W | 37-35 (OT) |
12/6/22 | Southern 3 | 6:00 PM | L | 35-37 |
12/8/22 | Syracuse 4 | 6:00 PM | L | 40-54 |
12/10/22 | @ Pawnee City | 3:30 PM | W | 38-31 |
12/13/22 | @ Palmyra 5 | 5:45 PM | W | 23-22 |
12/16/22 | Louisville 6b | 6:00 PM | L | 24-27 |
12/20/22 | Auburn (Varsity Girls Only (No JV)) | 6:00 PM | L | 20-45 |
12/22/22 | Freeman | 6:00 PM | - | POSTPONED |
12/29/22 | Holiday Tournament (@ Thayer Central) - Bracket | Parking vs Thayer Central (12/29) - HS Gym vs Southern (12/30) - Elem Gym |
3:00 PM 3:00 PM |
L L |
37-39 38-49 |
1/2/23 | @ Wilber-Clatonia 7 | 6:00 PM | L | 24-55 |
1/9-1/13 | MUDECAS Basketball Tournament - BRACKET & INFO vs Exeter-Milligan (1/9) vs Pawnee City (1/13) |
4:00 PM 5:30 PM |
L W |
19-41 32-26 |
1/17/23 | Weeping Water 9 | 6:00 PM | L | 36-50 |
1/19/23 | HTRS 10 | 6:00 PM | L | 38-39 |
1/21/23 | @ Falls City 11 | 1:15 PM | L | 14-52 |
1/23/23 | Freeman (rescheduled from 12/22 - Girls Only) 8 | ~ 7:30 PM | L | 19-29 |
1/26/23 | Fairbury - NCN TV Live Stream (No Striv) | 6:00 PM | L | 32-42 |
1/30-2/4 | East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament - Bracket/Info vs Elmwood-Murdock (@ Murdock) (1/30) vs Freeman (@ Freeman) (2/2) |
6:00 PM 7:00 PM |
L L |
10-49 24-33 |
2/7/23 | @ Elmwood-Murdock | 6:00 PM | L | 28-52 |
2/9/23 | College View Academy 12 | 6:00 PM | W | 53-35 |
2/13-2/16 | Subdistrict C2-1 @ Freeman vs Tri County (2/13) |
6:30 PM |
L |
28-34 |
4 PM - Girls JV (2 quarters), 4:30 PM - Boys JV (4 quarters), 6 PM - Girls Varsity, 7:45 PM - Boys Varsity
4:30 PM - Girls JV (2 quarters @ 6 mins/ea), ~5 PM - Boys JV (2 quarters), 6 PM - Girls Varsity, 7:45 PM - Boys Varsity
4 PM - Girls JV (2 quarters), 4:30 PM - Boys JV (4 quarters), 6 PM - Girls Varsity, 7:45 PM - Boys Varsity
4:30 PM - JV Girls West Gym (3 quarters); 4:30 PM - JV Boys East Gym (4 quarters); 5:45 PM Varsity Girls (West Gym); 7:15 PM Varsity Boys (West Gym)
4:30 PM - Boys JV (4 quarters), 6 PM - Girls Varsity, 7:45 PM - Boys Varsity
4:30 PM - Girls JV (2 quarters - Elementary Gym), 4:30 PM - Boys JV, 6 PM - Girls Varsity, 7:30 PM - Boys Varsity
JV/Varsity Girls Only (Boys rescheduled for Jan 6th).
Schedule for the day: 4:00 PM - C Team Boys vs Southern; followed by JV Girls vs Freeman; followed by Varsity Girls vs Freeman
The C Team Girls vs Southern originally scheduled for Jan 23rd has been cancelled.
4:30 PM JV Girls (2 Quarters); JV Boys (3 quarters); Varsity Girls; Varsity Boys
4:00 PM JV Girls (2 quarters); JV Boys (2 quarters); Varsity Girls; Parents Night (Basketball, Cheer); Varsity Boys
12 PM - JV Boys (@ Middle School); 12 PM JV Girls (@ High School - 3 quarters); 1:15 PM - Varsity Girls; 3 PM - Varsity Boys
4:00 PM JV Girls (2 quarters); 4:45 PM JV Boys (4 quarters); 6:00 PM Varsity Girls; 7:45 PM Varsity Boys
Date | Opponent | Time |
6:00 PM | ||
2/11/23 | Thunderbird Invitational (MS Gym - Cook Site) | 9:00 AM |
(Varsity Pictured)
2021-22 Schedule:
Class C1 (Assigned Girls Subdistrict C1-3)
Nov 30th @ Jamboree Scrimmage @ Nebraska City
Dec 3rd @ Mead, L 47-56
Dec 4th vs Tri County, W 46-20
Dec 7th @ Southern, L 39-49
Dec 9th @ Syracuse, L 22-50
Dec 11th vs Pawnee City, W 41-17
Dec 14th vs Palmyra, W 42-27
Dec 17th @ Louisville, L 27-37
Dec 21st @ Freeman, W 46-40
Dec 28th/29th @ Thayer Central Holiday Tournament
Dec 28th vs Thayer Central, L 30-43
Dec 29th vs Nebraska Christian, L 41-51
Jan 6th vs Wilber-Clatonia, W 40-39 (OT)
Jan 10th/15th @ MUDECAS Basketball Tournament (@ Beatrice)
Jan 10th vs Tri County, W 44-25
Jan 13th vs BDS, L 32-45
Jan 14th vs Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer, W 43-35 (3rd Place, Girls B Division)
Jan 18th @ Weeping Water, L 25-37
Jan 20th @ Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer, L 31-37
Jan 22th vs Falls City, L 24-30
Jan 25th vs Malcolm, L 32-57
Jan 27th @ Fairbury, L 24-49
Jan 29th/Feb 5th @ East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament
Jan 29th vs Palmyra, L 41-49
Feb 8th vs Elmwood-Murdock, L 27-55
Feb 11th @ Auburn, L 35-75
Feb 15th/17th @ Girls C1-3 Subdistricts (@ Auburn)
vs Auburn, L 23-42
2020-21 Schedule:
Varsity & Junior Varsity:
Nov 30th @ Jamboree Scrimmage (@ Nebraska City)
Dec 4th vs Mead, L 28-52
Dec 8th vs Southern, L 28-60
Dec 10th vs Syracuse, L 15-60
Dec 12th @ Pawnee City, L 32-57
Dec 15th @ Palmyra POSTPONED
Dec 18th vs Louisville, L 13-52
Dec 22nd vs Freeman, L 24-53
Dec 29th-30th @ Holiday Tournament (Thayer Central)
vs Thayer Central, L 22-46
vs Southern, L 20-35
Jan 2nd @ Tri County, W 39-36
Jan 7th @ Wilber-Clatonia, L 16-27
Jan 8th vs Auburn (Girls Only), L 19-49
Jan 11th-16th @ MUDECAS Tournament (Beatrice) - Info - Bracket
vs Pawnee City, L 30-41
vs Tri County, W 35-26
Jan 19th vs Weeping Water, L 31-48
Jan 21st @ HTRS, L 43-50
Jan 22nd @ Falls City, L 25-37
Jan 26th @ Malcolm - CANCELLED
Jan 30th-Feb 6th @ ECNC Tournament - Info
vs Palmyra, L 37-47
Feb 8th @ Palmyra (RESCHEDULED from Dec 15th - VARSITY ONLY), W 41-31
Feb 9th @ Elmwood-Murdock - CANCELLED
Feb 12th @ Yutan - CANCELLED
Feb 15th-16th @ Girls Subdistrict
vs Wilber-Clatonia, W 41-31
vs Freeman, L 26-38
2019-20 Schedule:
Varsity & Junior Varsity:
December 2 @ Jamboree Scrimmage (JCC)
vs Nebraska City, Johnson-Brock
Dec 6th @ Mead, W 46-41
Dec 10th @ Southern, L 31-39
Dec 12th @ Syracuse, L 25-66
Dec 14th vs Pawnee City, W 50-38
Dec 17th vs Palmyra, W 59-49
Dec 20th @ Louisville, L 39-51
Dec 27th-28th @ Holiday Tournament (Thayer Central) - Bracket
vs Thayer Central, Nebraska Christian, Southern
Thayer Central, L 43-51
Nebraska Christian, W 38-37
Jan 3rd @ Freeman, L 43-57
Jan 4th vs Tri County, W 56-35
Jan 9th vs Wilber-Clatonia, W 46-34
Jan 13th-18th @ MUDECAS Tournament (Beatrice) - Bracket - Info
vs Tri County, W 52-17
vs HTRS, L 36-60
vs Pawnee City, W 50-43 (OT)
Jan 21th @ Weeping Water, L 49-71
Jan 24th @ Auburn (Girls Only) - POSTPONED
Jan 25th vs HTRS, W 48-46
Jan 28th vs Malcolm, L 42-72
Jan 30th @ Conestoga, L 47-52
Feb 1st-8th @ ECNC Tournament - Bracket
vs Louisville, L 26-44
vs Palmyra, W 60-37
Feb 11th vs Elmwood-Murdock, L 20-40
Feb 13th vs Yutan, L 24-55
Feb 18th-20th: Girls C2-3 Subdistrict @ Diller-Odell
vs Freeman, L 24-38
C Team:
Dec 9th @ Louisville
Dec 16th @ Freeman
Dec 19th vs Syracuse
Jan 20th vs Wilber-Clatonia
Jan 27th @ Southern
Feb 10th vs Elmwood-Murdock
Feb 15th vs C-Team Tournament (@ JCC Middle School)
2018-19 Schedule:
Varsity & Junior Varsity:
November 26 @ Johnson-Brock (Jamboree Scrimmage)
November 30 vs Mead, W, 51-46
December 4 vs Southern, L, 24-46
December 6 vs Syracuse, L, 25-61
December 8 @ Pawnee City, L, 30-42
December 11 @ Palmyra, W, 50-34
December 14 vs Louisville, L, 17-58
December 18 vs Freeman, L, 22-61
December 20 @ Tri County, L, 45-48
January 3 @ Wilber-Clatonia, W, 32-28
January 4 @ Elmwood-Murdock, L, 32-65
January 7-11 @ MUDECAS Basketball Tournament (Beatrice) - BRACKET
vs Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer, L, 46-58
vs Lewiston, W, 39-23
January 15 vs Weeping Water, L, 34-52
January 17 @ HTRS, L, 44-58
January 18 vs Auburn (Girls Only) - CANCELLED
January 22 @ Malcolm - CANCELLED
January 25 vs Conestoga, W, 46-38
January 26-February 2 @ East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament - BRACKET
@ Elmwood-Murdock, L, 42-56
vs Conestoga, W, 58-38
vs Palmyra, W, 40-32
February 5 @ Falls City, L, 35-43
February 8 @ Yutan, L, 33-54
February 12-14 @ C2-2 Subdistrict Tournament (Beatrice HS)
vs Freeman, L, 34-51
C Team:
December 3 vs Louisville
December 10 vs Freeman
December 13 vs Syracuse
January 14 @ Wilber-Clatonia
January 21 vs Southern
February 4 @ Elmwood-Murdock
February 9 vs C Team Tournament (@ JCC Middle School)
(Varsity Pictured)
2017-18 Schedule:
Varsity & Junior Varsity:
November 27 @ Nebraska City (Jamboree Scrimmage)
December 1 @ Mead - L,17-47
December 5 @ Southern - L, 16-39
December 7 @ Syracuse - L, 9-54
December 9 vs Pawnee City - L, 26-40
December 12 vs Palmyra - W, 33-24
December 15 @ Louisville - L, 14-62
December 19 @ Freeman - L, 7-52
December 21 vs Tri County - L, 20-51
January 4 vs Wilber-Clatonia - L, 14-34
January 5 vs Elmwood-Murdock - L, 7-45
January 8-12 @ MUDECAS Tournament (Beatrice) - (MUDECAS Tournament Bracket) PDF
vs Pawnee City - L, 24-34
vs Parkview Christian - W, 33-14
January 16 @ Weeping Water - L, 26-75
January 18 vs HTRS - L, 29-60
January 19 @ Auburn (Girls Only) - L, 13-69
January 23 vs Malcolm - CANCELLED
January 25 @ Conestoga - L, 21-67
January 27-Feb 3 @ (ECNC Tournament Bracket) PDF
vs Weeping Water (1/27/18) @ WW - L, 19-64
vs Palmyra (1/30/18) @ Palmyra - W, 28-26 (OT)
vs Mead (2/2/18) @ SCC-Lincoln - L, 30-39
February 6 vs Falls City - L, 13-57
February 8 vs Yutan (Parents Night) - L, 22-66
February 12-13 @ C1-1 Subdistrict Tournament - (Bracket) PDF - Link
vs Wilber-Clatonia (2/12/18) @ Norris Middle School Gym - L, 15-29
C Team:
December 4 @ Louisville
December 11 @ Freeman
December 14 @ Syracuse
January 15 vs Wilber-Clatonia
January 22 @ Southern
February 5 vs Elmwood-Murdock
February 10 vs C Team Tournament (JCC Middle School)
2016-17 Preview:
The Thunderbirds will compete in the Class C2-2 Subdistrict, along with Elmwood-Murdock, Freeman and Palmyra. The C2-2 Subdistricts will be held in the Norris Middle School Gym on February 14th & 16th, 2017.
2016-17 MUDECAS Basketball Tournament Information: Click here
2016-17 East Central Nebraska Conference (ECNC) Basketball Tournament Bracket: Click here
2016-17 Schedule & Results
Date | Opponent | Class | W-L | Div | W/L | Score | Points | Tournament Name | Tournament Location |
12/02/16 | Mead | D2 | 6-14 | 3 | W | 36-29 | 44 | ||
12/06/16 | Southern | C2 | 11-13 | 3 | L | 28-40 | 33 | ||
12/08/16 | Syracuse | C1 | 9-15 | 3 | L | 16-48 | 35 | ||
12/13/16 | @ Palmyra | C2 | 3-17 | 4 | W | 42-38 | 41 | ||
12/16/16 | Louisville | C1 | 23-2 | 1 | CANCELLED | - | |||
12/20/16 | Freeman | C2 | 11-14 | 3 | L | 23-44 | 33 | ||
12/29-12/30 | Opponents: | - | - | - | - | Auburn Holiday Tournament | Auburn | ||
12/29 | Auburn | C1 | 20-5 | 1 | L | 33-73 | 41 | Auburn Holiday Tournament | Auburn |
12/30 | Syracuse | C1 | 9-15 | 3 | L | 30-67 | 35 | Auburn Holiday Tournament | Auburn |
01/05/17 | @ Wilber-Clatonia | C1 | 8-14 | 3 | L | 36-67 | 35 | ||
01/06/17 | @ Elmwood-Murdock | C2 | 15-10 | 2 | L | 32-67 | 36 | ||
01/09-01/14 | Opponents: | - | - | - | - | MUDECAS | Beatrice | ||
01/09 | Sterling | D1 | 5-19 | 4 | L | 35-55 | 30 | MUDECAS | Beatrice |
01/13 | Parkview Christian | D2 | 0-18 | 4 | W | 54-9 | 41 | MUDECAS | Beatrice |
01/19/17 | @ Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer | C2 | 4-18 | 4 | L | 30-51 | 30 | ||
01/20/17 | Auburn | C1 | 20-5 | 1 | L | 27-75 | 41 | ||
01/23/17 | Weeping Water | D1 | 15-10 | 2 | L | 25-49 | 36 | ||
01/24/17 | @ Malcolm | C1 | 22-3 | 1 | L | 15-71 | 41 | ||
01/26/17 | Conestoga | C1 | 12-10 | 2 | L | 17-59 | 38 | ||
01/28-02/04 | Opponents: | - | - | - | - | East Central Nebraska Conference | TBD | ||
01/28 | Conestoga | C1 | 12-10 | 2 | L | 28-61 | 38 | East Central Nebraska Conference | TBD |
01/30 | Palmyra | C2 | 3-17 | 4 | L | 36-50 | 30 | East Central Nebraska Conference | TBD |
02/07/17 | @ Falls City | C1 | 7-15 | 3 | L | 24-54 | 35 | ||
02/10/17 | @ Yutan | C2 | 12-12 | 2 | L | 25-65 | 36 | ||
02/14/17 | Freeman | C2 | 11-14 | 3 | W | 49-40 | 44 | Subdistrict C2-2 Tournament | Norris Middle School Gymnasium |
02/16/17 | Elmwood-Murdock | C2 | 15-10 | 2 | L | 24-50 | 36 | Subdistrict C2-2 Tournament | Norris Middle School Gymnasium |
2015-16 Recap:
The JCC Lady Thunderbirds finished the season with a record of 3-19, after falling short in the C1-1 Subdistrict game vs Fairbury (54-31).
2015-16 Preview:
"We are a very young and inexperienced team with only one senior and limited varsity experience throughout the team this year. Our lack of numbers and the lack of a real post type player are going to be a challenge this year as our schedule is filled with some very talented teams."
"We, as a coaching staff, are hopeful that our up-tempo and pressure defense can keep us competitive in games this year. With our youth and inexperience, we do believe that this team will improve greatly as the season progresses. There are some talented basketball players on this year’s team, they just need experience and confidence, which we hope will come as the season unfolds."
"Marissa Borrenpohl, Erin Hunzeker, Maddie Moran and Mackenzie Eltiste all have some varsity experience and are returning letter winners that will all need to play well for our success this season. Tia Parrish, Angelica Wellman, Brittany Neukirch will also see varsity playing time."
- Head Coach Randy Miller
Johnson County Central High School Girls Basketball Team Info
Date | Opponent | Class | W-L | Div | W/L | Score | Points | Tournament Name | Tournament Location |
12/04/15 | @ Mead | D2 | 13-11 | 2 | L | 30-44 | 36 | ||
12/08/15 | @ Southern | C2 | 9-15 | 3 | L | 34-58 | 33 | ||
12/10/15 | @ Syracuse | C1 | 7-16 | 3 | L | 20-56 | 33 | ||
12/15/15 | Palmyra | C2 | 0-20 | 4 | W | 38-33 | 41 | ||
12/18/15 | @ Louisville | C1 | 22-3 | 1 | L | 10-65 | 39 | ||
12/29-12/30 | Opponents: | - | - | - | - | Syracuse Holiday Tournament | Syracuse | ||
12/29 | Lourdes Central Catholic | D1 | 10-15 | 3 | L | 24-58 | 33 | Syracuse Holiday Tournament | Syracuse |
12/30 | Syracuse | C1 | 7-16 | 3 | L | 17-51 | 33 | Syracuse Holiday Tournament | Syracuse |
01/02/16 | @ Freeman | C2 | 16-8 | 2 | L | 12-56 | 36 | ||
01/07/16 | Wilber-Clatonia | C1 | 10-12 | 3 | L | 19-63 | 33 | ||
01/08/16 | Elmwood-Murdock | C2 | 13-11 | 2 | L | 23-49 | 36 | ||
01/11-01/16 | Opponents: | - | - | - | - | MUDECAS Conference | Beatrice | ||
01/11 | Pawnee City | D1 | 11-13 | 3 | L | 31-47 | 33 | MUDECAS Conference | Beatrice |
01/15 | Parkview Christian | D2 | 3-16 | 4 | W | 48-28 | 41 | MUDECAS Conference | Beatrice |
01/19/16 | @ Weeping Water | C2 | 8-16 | 3 | L | 26-43 | 33 | ||
01/21/16 | Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer | C2 | 6-17 | 3 | L | 30-48 | 33 | ||
01/22/16 | @ Auburn | C1 | 19-5 | 1 | L | 19-55 | 39 | ||
01/26/16 | Malcolm | C1 | 20-4 | 1 | L | 10-60 | 39 | ||
01/28/16 | @ Conestoga | C1 | 14-10 | 2 | L | 27-66 | 36 | ||
01/30-02/06 | Opponents: | - | - | - | - | ECNC | TBD | ||
01/30 | Conestoga | C1 | 14-10 | 2 | L | 33-55 | 36 | ECNC | TBD |
02/03 | Palmyra | C2 | 0-20 | 4 | W | 34-30 | 41 | ECNC | TBD |
02/05 | Elmwood-Murdock | C2 | 13-11 | 2 | L | 46-47 | 36 | ECNC | TBD |
02/12/16 | Yutan | C2 | 20-5 | 1 | L | 22-65 | 39 | ||
02/15/16 | Fairbury | C1 | 5-17 | 4 | L | 31-54 | 30 | Subdistrict C1-1 Tournament | Beatrice High School |
2023-24: 10-12
2022-23: 6-17
2021-22: 7-16
2020-21: 4-16
2019-20: 10-13
2018-19: 7-14
2017-18: 3-19
2016-17: 4-18
2015-16: 3-19
2014-15: 5-17
2013-14: 6-17
2012-13: 10-14
2011-12: 9-14
2010-11: 8-16
2009-10: 9-13
2008-09: 21-4
2007-08: 18-6